Tuesday 19 June 2018

All of the above!


So my email today had many name options:

B) Happy Fathers Day!
C) "Our pets' heads are falling off!"
D) All of the above!

A) ONE YEAR! As of June 14th 2018, I have accomplished serving the Lord and His children for a year! 
My first day going to the MTC last year and one year later
Sister Young 1 year, me 2 months; now me 1 year and Sister Mitchell 2 months
To celebrate, Sister Mitchell and I decided to make a cake... well first off we got all the ingredients we thought we needed.. plus some extra ones.. and came to find out  Tuesday night that we didn't have a cake pan! Thankfully we had some reusable tin ones that we were able to use and made two circular cakes. We didn't make the icing until Wednesday night which is when we found out that we didn't have any icing sugar. Well then we went neighbour-knocking and we didn't beg but we went and asked four different neighbours if they had icing sugar. We went next door, this nice Asian couple offer us half their bag of regular sugar. The neighbours next to that also had regular sugar and asked if we wanted some salt... Well it was getting to be around 9:45 and as you all know we go to bed at 10:30 and so we decide to try this one more house and the husband says that his wife used up all of their icing sugar making icing for a cake... though he went and asked her anyways and lo and behold, she had some and gave it all to us! Such a blessing! We are going to make all our neighbours cookies and deliver them to them this week. 
Making the cake
My district
B) Happy Fathers Day!

I am so blessed to have many father figures in my life. I hope everyone enjoyed spending time with yours, or thinking of memories and special moments with your dad. I hope that everyone will take a minute and share this video Earthly Father, Heavenly Father with your father and express your love and appreciation for him every day. 

C) "Our pets' heads are falling off!"

So, we have learned that caterpillars are attracted to me. I found one on the sidewalk and I was trying to move it to safety and then it decided to come on my shoe!

 So I walked with it for a while, found a safe spot and removed it from my shoe.

Well. We arrive home that night, and I turn around in my chair and THERE is a caterpillar hanging from one of my bags!!! Well it was hanging upside down, curved and as we've adopted, was cocooning! So we didn't move him. Instead we called him Spiky Carl ☺
Spiky Carl
We get home the next day and Spiky Carl is now fully in his cocoon or chrysalis! Well upon further investigation we come to find that his head has come off!?! So now the saying we use for whenever things don't go right has come to pass...  "Our pets' heads are falling off!"
Mitch (in green) and Dallin dinner
Pizzas night with Leah 
So that is a summary of my week! Haha 

I'm so grateful for all the examples in my life that have help me get to this point. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to share the Gospel, which means so much to me, with others. I am know that Christ lives and that He leads his church by a Prophet and Apostles. 

Have a marvellous week! Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 12 June 2018

The Prophet was in town...


Well, what a great battle week!! That is what Sister Nelson, the Prophet’s wife, told us to write at the beginning of our journal every day. Yes you heard that correctly, President Nelson and his wife Wendy, along with Elder and Sister Rasband, were in Alberta for 3 days, visiting Sister Nelson's family! Their first stop was Edmonton, then Calgary and finish in Raymond. More on this in a minute.

Transfers were Wednesday, and yes I moved! President is enjoying playing hot potato with me haha I'm staying in the city, going North.
TRANSFERS! Saying good bye to Sister Cook, Sister Morgado & Sister Machado
I'll be in the Kingsway YSA finishing Sister Mitchell last 6 weeks of her 12 week training! We have had a blast in the short timeframe we have been together!

Some cool / interesting things which have happened are:

-We took two selfies with these guys we met lake contacting. 

One of them is a professional photographer and asked us to model. He took these beautiful pictures!

Modelling pictures!
-We have had two awkward conversations through text, while trying to set up times to meet.

-We had many people willing to set appointments up with us to meet this past week, this week or next! So exciting!

-I met Violet! She recently got baptised and is awesome! She always asks us if she can ask us some questions which are great questions.

-I met Degoli! He is getting ready to be baptised here in a couple weeks! He loves soccer and hanging out with the other Young Adults.

-I met the awesome YSA members of our Ward (though we are small enough to be a Branch). Including the fun Bishopric who call the YSA big girls and stupid boys haha

It has also been crazy windy in the last couple days which is a little scary...
Blowing away
So on to Friday June 8th, 2018 at 7pm. We had a regional broadcast and the Nelsons and Rasbands spoke to us it was so cool! They talked a lot about the gathering of Israel, how the Prophet is receiving revelation constantly, ministering, and lots of other good stuff for 2 hours! I was a little disappointed that they didn't meet with the missionaries, however President Pattison attended our Sacrament meeting Sunday (his daughter gave her farewell talk as she is leaving today for Gilbert Arizona on a mission!!), and was asked to give a few words. He shared how as President Nelson was shaking the hand of the man that would be conducting the meeting, he read his lips which asked “Where is the Mission President?”. There was an overwhelming Spirit that washed over me. It was a tender mercy to know that, although busy visiting his wife's family, he took the time to walk over and shake President Pattison's hand, who represents me, and all the other missionaries in this great Canada Edmonton Mission!

I know without a doubt that President Russell M. Nelson is the Prophet Heavenly Father has called for this period of time. I know he is doing the Lord's work

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Movie Night: Meet the Mormons


Well it has been cooler this week, weather-wise. It has been rainy a couple days this week which is so great! 

Rainy Day
So we met this guy named Carlos a couple weeks ago, I may have mentioned him... anyways we have had trouble getting in contact with him. Well we stopped by Friday and he was home!! And then we decided it would be better if we had the Spanish Elders talk to him so set up a meeting for the following night at the same time! And they hit it off so well! Haha It was great to see someone taught in their native language. I was supposed to help out with two different French appointments yesterday and both fell through unfortunately but I'm happy to continue studying in both English and French. 

We had another lemonade stand Saturday with the Mandarin Elders. We invited everyone who stopped to the movie night we were having Sunday evening. One of the people I invited showed up! 

Lemonade stand
Come to Movie Night!
So yeah, to end off the week we had a Movie Night! It was so awesome! We created an event on Facebook, and I even created some cute little invites that we printed and passed out the weeks leading up to the event. And it was such a success! So many people came!! We made lots of treats, got the comfy chairs, and set up the projector. And then watched Meet the Mormons. I love that movie!
Movie Night!
...with refreshments
One of the other girls we invited came with her friend. After the movie we asked if they liked it and her friend said it was very inspiring. We asked her later which of the five stories she liked best. She said she liked the last one because she could relate her story to her own life. The Sisters will be meeting later this week with her. If you haven't seen the movie before or want to watch it again, go to http://lds.org  and search Meet the Mormons and it should pop up as the third option. ☺

The movie covers 5 lives that have been blessed by this wonderful gospel, but there are so many of us all over the world! I am one that has been blessed by the beautiful message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like those in the movie, I am a better person for the knowledge that being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has brought me. I know I am a daughter of God, that my Saviour loves me and that I am blessing the lives of others as I share with them this knowledge. 

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach