Tuesday 26 December 2017

It's More than Presents...

Joyeux Noël!

Can't decide if I had a white or green Christmas... while we had snow out, I also unexpectedly got a new companion... fresh from the MTC!  

We had one busy week. Tuesday was spent driving to Edmonton; the following day I met my new companion!
Companion switch off
I'm taller then Sister Jones!  

Her name is Sister Jones and she is from Taylorsville Utah! She has 4 brothers; one older who served in Dallas Texas, and three younger. She likes playing any sport. She is also 9 inches taller then me... haha 

Some of the 14 Sisters at the apartment in Edmonton
Thursday we had Christmas Conference! We had different activities such as an escape room, matching scriptures to questions, a gift exchange, a talent show as well. Sister Jones and I then drove to our little apartment in Peace River over 5 hours away. 

Friday and Saturday we did some finding, had a scripture reading lesson with Audrey over the phone, and shared #LightTheWorld with more people.

Sunday was Christmas Eve! We had one hour of church with a beautiful Christmas program including songs, scriptures and stories. We went to visit Audrey and her husband Keith and sang some Christmas songs to them and talked about Christmas traditions. We also stopped by Stella who also lives in Berwyn, and wished her a Merry Christmas. We then had a family Christmas dinner at the McP's and headed home after that. 

CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Was awesome! Sister Jones and I started by reading then watching the Nativity story from the Bible. We then opened our presents and we combined got a total of 8 pairs of socks. Apparently our feet need to be kept warm from the negative 30 degrees Celsius it was yesterday... haha ?

We then went and spent the day with some members and had Christmas Dinner with them, played games and were able to Skype Sister Jones' family! That was fun! 

In the midst of all these festivities I hope we were all able to remember the ultimate gift that has been given to each one of us, IF we accept it. Christ is the gift. He has given so much more then anyone can give us. It is because of Him that we are able to repent and be forgiven of our mistakes. It is because of Him that we can get strength, support, and comfort in times of need or trial. He is the reason we can live together as families after this Earth life, IF we accept Him and His gift into our life. He has shown us the way and it is through Him that we will always succeed. 



Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Setting Our Sight on Christ


What a busy week! It has flown by!

This week I had the opportunity to study more about my Saviour through scriptures, Hymns and Preach My Gospel. I am so grateful that as I have been learning more about Him, I am learning how to be more like Him. I was also happy to review the messages from the Christmas Devotional–If you haven't listened to the three talks yet, go do it!
Did Companionship inventory at DQ!

Opened up our gifts from each other... Because we can

Opened up our gifts from each other... Because we can!
Companion street!
Helping Sister M pack up gifts for home
President Uchtdorf said: “During this beloved Christmas season, it is fitting that we take delight in the lights, music, gifts and glitter. This is all a part of why we love this time of year so much.

“But let us never forget that we are disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, the living Son of the living God. To truly honour His coming into the world, we must do as He did and reach out in compassion and mercy to our fellowmen.”

How have you been able to “reach out in compassion and mercy” towards others?

Amidst all our appointments this week and other activities, we had some service planned for this particular day. As Sister Machado and I were walking out of our apartment to go do this service, we saw a man that might have been struggling at this time of year. We had walked passed him before turning back and sharing the #LightTheWorld video with him. He really liked it and thanked us for showing it to him. We again started on our way to our service activity, when we had the impression to walk back and get some items from our pantry to give to him. Unfortunately we were not quick enough, for when we walked out, he was gone…

Trusting that everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences, we saw him again a couple days later and were able to give him the bag that we had prepared for him. His gratitude was shown by his smile lighting up his face.

I know that as I have been able to turn to my Saviour this Christmas, have been able to remember the true meaning of the season, and to set my sight on Him. I pray we will all set our sights on Him, and follow in His footsteps.

Lots of love! 


Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Stars Were Gleaming


How is everyone doing with #LightTheWorld?

This week I've thought about light. It is something radiant and bright. Like the Wise Men of old, we all at times seek that light in our moments of darkness.

This week had its ups and downs. The highlights however were that as we texted and called some people early this week to invite them to the Christmas Dinner, we received responses from several of them saying they would love to come!

Various pictures from Friday's Christmas Dinner
The theme was Come to Bethlehem. We had dinner, followed by a small program of carolling, presentation of symbols of Christmas, and a message by the Branch President. Not all those we had invited were able to make it due to being sick but we did have a family of five, a couple, and several of the members had invited friends also!

We were also able to meet with some of those we had texted and called before, and after the party, for those who weren't able to make it out. We were able to share #LightTheWolrd many times! ☺

My purple winter accessories! 
In person District Meeting this week
After one of those visits we were observing the beautifully starlit night sky. I saw two shooting stars; however we were mesmerized by this one constellation. It was dim if we looked at it straight on yet if we looked at it from the corner of our eye it became much brighter. It made me think of sometimes we lose focus or something's value is dimmed as we go through the motions. I would invite everyone to keep Christ at the centre of your holidays. Let His light shine through you and into your Christmas season. He is the reason for the season.

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Pressing Forward

Bonjour from Grand Prairie!

It has been a very busy week.
Surprise Party!!
 Elders decorating for the "Party" 

Thursday we celebrated Sister Machado's Birthday early with the O's they are so sweet and got a cake and gifts for the occasion. 

We started off our December of Christlike service by pushing a car that was stuck in the snow (yes it keeps piling up!). We also dropped off a care package to Audrey, to bring some light into her life this Christmas season. 
 Exchange with Sister A & Sister St O

We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning in Fairview. We are responsible for this area as well as the Peace River area. We attended a fun Christmas Party with a Chinese Gift exchange and charades guessing Christmas Hymns! 

Sunday afternoon, Monday and today are being spent in Grand Prairie with the Sister Training Leaders! We had exchanges and I enjoyed the company of Sister A. She and I had a great exchange, planning out a surprise "party" for Sister Machado yesterday, sharing #LIGHTtheWORLD with others, and learning from each other through the theme of Pressing Forward. 

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life" 2 Nephi 31:20

I would have to say that although missionary work is hard at times, as I turn to rely on Jesus Christ all things are possible. He is my strength and in Him do I hope, through Him do I love. I am so  grateful for my Saviour and all he has done for me. That I will be able to overcome my trials, weakness and pains through Him. I love Him dearly and am grateful to be a representative of Him this Christmas. 

Merry Christmas! 

Lots of love,

Sister Tatjana Zumbach