Tuesday 28 August 2018

When Nearly Everything Falls Apart...


Last Tuesday we went to West Edmonton Mall with Sister Ball and Sister Tela. It was a fun trip.

Well, you might be wondering what my title is about... haha so this week has proved the last long week of the Transfer. Over this transfer everyone we were teaching, has either had opposition or decided that their life was too crazy to balance meeting with us... so the start of the transfer here in Kingsway is going to be Fresh!! 

CTR rings picture with Violet!
Also, both Sister Mitchell and I had breakdowns this week, so our poor little Greenie had to carry our team, okay not really though because thankfully it was two different days about two different matters haha ?
Hot chocolate Tim's run... yep cause it was cold here...

Name tags
I got highlights in my hair!
We went on the LRT this weekend had some funny experiences, including someone basically sitting on Sister Hathaway and then turning right in her face and asking "my friend, do ya got $2?" I did not witness this but it was so funny having her reenact it afterwards! Lol

The Elders had a missionary fireside for the FHE activity Monday night and it went really well!
District lunch with homemade pizza and bread sticks! Yum!
Missionary fireside
We talked about our roles and the members' roles in doing missionary work, the Spirit was strong and inspiring. I know that there is power when the full-time missionaries and members work together to help those who do not have the restored gospel in their life! It has blessed my life so much and I am excited to do my own member work after my mission!

Have a great week!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 21 August 2018



So it has been one crazy week!!!!!!!!!! Why? Well we were in a Pento-pan exchanges! Meaning, Sister Ball who is our Sister Training Leader did exchanges with the three of us all week basically SOOOOOOOO because we were in different sets of two and three we called ourselves the pento-pan!

 It was really fun! Sunday and Monday Sister Ball and I were together. Tuesday and Wednesday Sister Tela was with Sister Mitchell and me.
 Then Friday and Saturday Sister Tela was with Sister Hathaway and me. 

We went to Stony Plain and Spruce Grove Wednesday to have some lessons. It was such a great, busy day!

Thursday we had a lesson with Degoli! Yeah!!!! So happy to see him again! He has been working out of Alberta and the only contact we have is his phone. But we had a great lesson and hope he will start going to church closer to where his temporary job is!

We had three people come to church this Sunday! Two of them were member friends: Jerry and Marrisa, Jerry we just started teaching this week. Then there was Wendy! She had just walked in to church! Turned out she had been in Canada for 5 days from China. =) So that was pretty awesome! Never had so many people come to church!

We went singing at the hospital again yesterday and it was so sweet! This cute little couple was sitting and would clap after each song, so we asked to take a picture with them! There was also another lady who took a video to show her sister's husband who is not doing well enough to come see us in person. So that was touching.

This morning we went off to West Ed as our Pento-pan! Which is why this email is so late! Haha

Have a great week! Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 14 August 2018

14, the Golden Month Mark!!!


So this week we had so many meetings to attend!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

So last Tuesday evening we went and drew out the Plan of Happiness out by the lake, it was so much fun!! We had several people comment on it and ask questions as we drew it out, and two more people texted us throughout the week asking some questions. 

Drawing "Plan of Happiness"
Wednesday we had Zone Conference! Probably the best yet!!! It was super Spiritually uplifting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday we had several meetings in the morning with the Elders to plan our fireside for in a couple of weeks, and then met with Violet in the afternoon, before we headed off to do other things on Edmonton. We then had dinner, mingling and a devotional with the new Missionaries and their trainers.

The following morning as a companionship we matched for the Trainers and Trainee meeting. Following that we did a comp I with our STL Sister Ball and her companion Sister Tela. We have been having some being unified issues which has brought contention so we were able to all talk it out, our cry lol so now everything is so much smoother!

Then  Sunday and Monday Sister Ball and I were on exchanges so that has been fun since we both came out together so there it doesn't feel as much as an exchange more like a fun 24 hour companionship!! To celebrate our 14th Month make today, we went out for dinner last night and got DQ!!!!!!! 
With Sister Ball at Dairy Queen
We also had a lesson in the middle of planning our day yesterday, so that was unexpected! (see picture below) 

I know that Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and wants. He provides a way for them to come to pass if we are worthy of them and if it is in our best interest, sometimes that happens quick, other times slower and event possible not until the nest life but blessings from God do come.

Lots of love!!!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Wednesday 8 August 2018

A Great Week!


Well to be honest I can't really remember half of what happened this week ha ha ? However it was a great week! Full of different adventures!

Here are some highlights:

We had a great Saturday, helping the Edmonton Food Bank collecting donations at the Heritage Festival happening over the long weekend!
Helping out at the Food Bank
 Helping out was fun, but let me tell you all! That Festival is amazing!! The amazing variety of different cultures, the performers were all so fun to take pictures of or with! 

Heritage Festival

We had a combined lesson with the Zone Leaders with Emmanuel and his son Emmanuel as they will be starting to teach them so they can attend the family ward! It was a fantastic lesson! The Spirit was strongly felt as we showed them, and his less active friend Eric, around the church building.

So because of the Holiday Campus was closed, so I had an idea to go to the adjacent Hospital and sing there. After asking a couple people we were told of a location we could sing. I feel there was way more meaning singing there! We were thanked by those who were listening. One of the fathers I was able to talk to mentioned how they had recognized some of the songs including Count Your Many Blessings. He said how that was important and thanked us for singing. Because of the location of our singing, I know we were able to bless so many more people than what we saw. 

We also had dinner with Romal and his family, before the Belmead Elders showed up for a lesson, as they would be sharing to teach so he could interest with members his age. It was a very yummy dinner, and the lesson had the Holy Ghost present so that was cool.

I know that we have blessings in every day. We simply need to open our heart to recognize them! I'm grateful for the blessings I have received on my mission. I am grateful for the blessing of having the a Saviour, even Jesus Christ.

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach