Tuesday 31 October 2017

Talk to Him!

Bonjour! Happy Halloween!!!

It has been a quite week. I celebrated my half Birthday with some Mexican treats! It was also Sister Machado's 10-month mark Saturday. We are going to a Mexican food restaurant later to celebrate! 

We had our first snowfall Wednesday... It was actually all the surrounding areas to Peace River that got the snow, so we got into our car in Peace River where there is no snow and as we drive 15 minutes to Grimshaw the scenery slowly changes and poof there is snow!!! Sister Machado and I did have a small snowball fight. 

We had District meeting Thursday (pictures). We talked about stress and comp unity. Our District leader challenged us to compliment our companion everyday. 

As the transfer finishes this week, I have been doing some pondering on what I have learned these past 5 weeks. I can say for a surety that God lives, that His Son, Jesus Christ lives. That through them I have been made stronger and have learned what it means to rely on them for the strength I need in my weakness. I am not perfect, however, as I rely on them each day, they make up the difference. I would encourage all of you to turn to God in prayer and in His Son's name tell Him what you are grateful for, tell Him your weakness, ask for the strength to endure them, offer up the desires of your heart. He already knows, but like our parents on Earth want to hear about how things are going in our life, our Heavenly Father wants us to talk to Him as well! So talk to Him! He will give you comfort. He will bring you peace. He will give you the strength, provided by His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Turn to them. Rely on them. It has worked for me. It is working for people we teach. It can and will work for you.

With lots of love,

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Together vs Alone

Bonjour! What a weekend of fun! 

Started by 8 Sisters in an apartment! Party!! 

Friday was P-day, and we got together as a Zone to carve pumpkins! Fun times!!!! Pictures included of the event!  That evening we gathered as Sisters to sing to a man who is about to get baptized in the Sister Training Leaders' (Sister S & Sister F) area. It was awesome to sing I Am a Child of God all together. 

Saturday we had Zone Conference! We had amazing training all morning, and were ready for lunch... to discover no one had prepared any food! Now this has not happened in 16 years! So President Pattison took us out to lunch–breaking some number rules of missionaries gathered in public haha.

Pictures are included of that event too! 

Being gathered together with other missionaries made me think of how there is strength in numbers. There is a greater unity and confidence that comes being surrounded by others that have the same desire to follow Jesus Christ and serve the Lord. However, in my studies yesterday, I was reading about Nephi and the ridicule he went through from others around him; his own family even. Like Nephi, sometimes we do not have others to uplift us or help us follow Christ. We have to have the same courage to stand up for what we believe; we have to have the courage to stand alone. I would encourage you all to watch this video with President Monson relating a personal experience. 

If you have your own personal experience, I'd love to hear it! Stand together as one, or dare to stand alone if necessary.

Have a great week getting ready for Halloween! 

Lot of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Friday 20 October 2017

Influence of the Deceased

“The night the [Missionaries] left a Book of Mormon with me, I was thrilled... I stayed up reading until I came to Mosiah 18, where Alma invites the people to be baptized: ‘Behold, here are the waters of Mormon … and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, … what have you against being baptized?’” (Mosiah 18:8, 10).” 

“I fell asleep reading those words, and I had a dream. I was standing near a beautiful body of water like the Waters of Mormon. On the other side of the water stood people dressed in white—my family! My husband, who had been killed in the war, was smiling and beckoning me to be baptized.” 

Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone that met missionaries could have a similar experience? 

Well this week we almost had that experience. As I have been serving in the same area that my Grandmother (whom I have never met in this life) lived and first was introduced to the church, I have been more attentive to moments she could be present. 
The town where my grandmother was born
In the small community that she grew up in, we met a lady that we told we were sharing a message on eternal families. She said we could come back Wednesday. On the return visit we taught her about the Plan of Salvation. She told us that it brought so much comfort and joy, especially as she had recently lost a son. She told us that our meeting was timely, and got emotional. We all three felt the Holy Ghost very strongly. I testified to her that we not only were feeling God's love, but we were also feeling the love and joy of her deceased loved ones. She might not have recognized it, but I know that they were present in that brief moment. 
We met some Catholic Sisters 
I know that angels walk beside us, and that those that can't yet can still influence us and their loved ones in this glorious path back to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, that we might dwell with them and our families in the Celestial Kingdom. As Elder Cook has said: "Don’t underestimate the influence of the deceased in assisting your efforts and the joy of ultimately meeting those you serve".

Lot of love!
Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Reason to Give Thanks


I hope everyone had a great weekend! It was a great time to reflect on what I am grateful for in life.. which includes all of you!  
Moi and Peace River 

dance party with the Travelling Sisters
We had exchanges with the Travelling Sisters in our mission, Sister C and Sister H, Tuesday evening. Wednesday they gave us some training on member missionary work. Which is a great help to missionaries and brings about many blessings! 

Friday we had the chance to watch Elder Robert D. Hales' funeral. What a powerful service it was, with messages given by his fellow brethren who truly love him and honour him. I know that they are all called of God, and how thankful I am to Heavenly Father to call Prophets and Apostles and other church leaders to lead and guide His church.

Sunday we did this fun activity of counting our blessings. Can you name a 100 things you're grateful for? I know you can if we break it down to 10 categories: Write 10 living people you are grateful for.   Write 10 people who have died you are grateful for.   Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.   Write 10 material possessions you are grateful for.   Write 10 things about nature you are grateful for.   Write 10 things about today you are grateful for.   Write 10 places on earth you are grateful for.   Write 10 modern-day inventions you are grateful for.   Write 10 foods you are grateful for.   Write 10 things about the gospel you are grateful for. Literally counting our blessings increases our emotional health!

Yesterday concluded the long weekend. We had the opportunity to teach the Plan of Salvation lesson twice. As we taught this Plan, it was a great opportunity to bear my testimony of and gratitude for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that He suffered pain, afflictions and death, to then rise again, so that we may all be resurrected also, to live with Him, our Father in Heaven, and our families forever; if we choose to have faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repent, are baptized and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by someone holding the Priesthood, and as we endure to the end. I am so grateful that this is my calling as a missionary, to invite others to come unto Christ. To teach them His Gospel.

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 3 October 2017

A Special Witness of Jesus Christ


There is so much to tell! 

First it was transfers! Big surprise, I was transferred to Peace River and my follow-up trainer and I are washing the area!! Sister Young and I drove down to Edmonton, where I met up with my new companion, Sister Machado. She is from Texas and likes to be active!
Sister Young and her new companions with me & Sister Machado

We stayed in Edmonton Wednesday through Friday as we had a Special Sisters Training! So. Much. FUN! It was awesome to be gathered with the 52 other Sisters that I serve with in the Edmonton Mission!  We started the event with a clothing exchange Thursday with dinner. Friday morning started off with a group workout, led by an older lady who knew how to make us sweat! After showers, we had uplifting messages and workshops. Again, so awesome to be surrounded by other Sisters with the desire to serve the Lord and be a special witness of Him.

Sister Machado and I drove our 7-hour drive up to Peace River... long yet beautiful drive! We haven't had much time to explore the area, and meet people as we had an amazing weekend with General Conference!!! IF YOU DID NOT WATCH IT, REPENT, AND GO WATCH ALL FOUR SESSIONS! Elder Neil L. Andersen gave a powerful talk at the very end of Conference. It was an amazing talk to sum up Conference, and encourage us to listen and take to heart what we have learned and to apply what we were encourage to do. 

Please let me know what was your favourite part of Conference! Here is the link if you missed it or need to review the talks: General Conference

I know we are led by a Prophet today who is called of God to lead Christ's church on the earth today. I know that the Prophet's Counsellors and the 12 Apostles are also called of God to be special witnesses of His son, Jesus Christ. What an honour it is to be a missionary with the same sacred calling to be a witness of Him who is our Saviour and Redeemer. I know it is by developing faith in Him and following His example that we are able to live as families forever in the presence of God, our Heavenly Father, and His son, Christ. How grateful I am to a loving God that like times of old has called Prophets and restored the Priesthood to perform these saving ordinances.

Have a great week! 


Sister Tatjana Zumbach