Tuesday 25 September 2018

When One Baptizes , WE ALL BAPTIZE!!!

Hello! Bonjour! 

It was a real exciting week here in the Canada Edmonton Mission! We had English class again last Tuesday 

English class
and then Chuan had her baptism interview. Thursday we had our in-person District Council which was super fun as we were celebrating Sister Herzog's Birthday!!
District Council--Sister Herzog's birthday
 We also had a Zone video call to talk about the training we received at Mission Tour- haha so fun! 

Now for the REALLY exciting news! We had 7 children of God enter the waters of baptism all over the CEM Saturday and one more this coming Wednesday. What we love to say out here in the Mission is that "When One Baptizes , WE ALL BAPTIZE!!!" What was so much more awesome is that one of those baptisms was Chuan's!! 

She has been taught off and on for 2 years now. The Sisters here in Grande Prairie back in April started teaching her again and from that time on she has been developing in faith and repentance so she could be baptized and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost! 

What a sweet and very tender moment when Terry, Chuan's father-in-law, after the baptism service told us that the night before being baptized, in English which is difficult to express clearly, she in essence gave her testimony to her daughter, husband, and parents (who had driven up from Southern Alberta for the special occasion). Terry expressed to us that he was very happy and choked up which made us all cry as he told us about the night prior. What an indescribable joy it was to see another sheep come into the fold.

Monday night we met with Chuan and her husband Dean for a lesson. We talked about Temples and then did a fun activity of drawing Temples! 
Drawing temples
I know how important Temples are in this work. I love that because of the blessings received in the Temples I can be with my family forever after this life. Heavenly Father loves us and hasn't just given us this short time on Earth to live nor did He intend to have the line "till death do you part", but He is giving us Eternity to be with our families! That's why I'm serving a mission to help people like Chuan and Dean become an Eternal family. 

Have a great week!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 18 September 2018

You Are Loved!


What a week!!! Well it started with heading down to Edmonton last Tuesday and having P-day Wednesday! Why did we go to Edmonton???

Well Elder Brian K. Taylor of the 70 came to town with his wife–he spoke just this last conference and it was awesome!!  Go watch, listen, read: Elder Brian K. Taylor

Elder and Sister Taylor with Sister and President Pattison
So anyways, Wednesday night I was invited out to the MLC (Missionary Leadership Council) meeting and was instructed with several other missionaries how to better minister, and shepherd those around us–missionaries, members, and everyone else!

"The Wish List" - training from Elder Taylor
Then Thursday we had the awesome privilege to listen to him and his wife all day!!! They are so amazing!! Words are inadequate to describe the amazing feeling of the Holy Ghost and all that we learned. However he did help us out by giving us some tips and tricks to work with members to FIND more, to teach more and to baptize more!! Watch out Alberta, here come the Canada Edmonton Missionaries!!!

Group picture at Mission Tour
Girl party in Edmonton for Mission Tour
Celebrating another month mark with my companion (Sister Ekton)
with my 15 months and her 3 months we complete a full 18-month mission!!!
French hats!
We drove back Friday and we've been hard at work implementing our new training! It has been a blast!

I know that Heavenly Father loves us all and that we are here to bless His children. We are here to learn and grow by making choices that will help us return to live with Him! I love what Elder Taylor said: "know that God sanctifies your most difficult days.” 

Lots of Love!!!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Where, oh where has the time gone!


Sister Eckton and I enjoy going contacting at this big park and found a giant dragonfly!

Well I am emailing today because Grand Prairie is receiving its first snowfall today, so President Pattison asked us to drive down to Edmonton yesterday meaning we have P-day today in the city. So we had a road trip with the Fort St. John/ Dawson Creek Sisters (Sister Herzog & Sister Wilson).

We stopped at a donut shop on our way down to Edmonton 
The rest of the week went by so fast! We had several lessons again including an English class that we started Tuesday nights.

English class 
Chuan moved her baptism a week so she could have family attend the service so that is exciting!

Chuan Writing Heavenly Father in Mandarin
She made us these very yummy Chinese dumplings. 

We also met with James (from Kenya) and his daughter.

James, his daughter and us
We had a great lesson talking about Baptism. He said he wants to pray and know for sure that he should, which is awesome, since we don't want to push anyone or force them into baptism haha he loves meeting and talking about the Gospel. He finds it is the best church he has attended and he says he has attended a few lol.

This week I received a dreaded call from the mission office... on the other side of the line Sister Hatch asked me where I planned on flying home to.... ha ha ha ??? it was horrible because that means I return home in 3 months... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where, oh where has the time gone!! 

I love every up and down that has been sent my way over the last 15 months. I have learned and grown so much however have also helped others learn and grow so much too! It is truly an experience that at the least blesses you, but it is never only you it is blessing! 

Have a great week!

Lots of Love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Around the World


What a week! Last Tuesday evening Sister Mitchell, Sister Hathaway and I had a lesson with Shine Soe (someone Sister Mitchell had met on exchanges). It went really good even with a language difference, as his mother tongue is Burmese! 
With Sister Paxman
Sister Eckton and her past companion with me and Sister Mitchell and Sister Hathaway
Wednesday was an up and down day... it all started by packing the car with my many things... hihi and saying goodbye to Sister Hathaway and Sister Mitchell and getting a new companion! Her name is Sister Eckton! She came out with Sister Hathaway's group so I'll be finishing her training. She is from Provo, Utah. She is also the oldest of a large family (6 kids) and the first of her siblings to go on a mission! We then had the great fun of driving to my new home for the next six weeks 5 or so hours away.... it is not as north as Peace River, nor is it as small but Grande Prairie is now home!!!! 

Car ride back to Grande Prairie
So yeah, it has been a crazy couple of days! We had several lessons this week, most planned some not haha but it had been great! We met with Chuan who is getting ready to be baptised in 2 weeks!! She is so cute, sweet, and is originally from China. Then we are meeting with a family that speak Sinhala,
Going to our Sinhala lesson! #BookofMormonPower!
and we also found another family from South Africa that may speak a Click language... ??? and then there is James and his daughter who are from Kenya! So all these awesome people from all over the world!! It has been so so so fun! We are starting an English class tonight too so most of them will be coming haha 

After meeting each one of these individuals and families, I am reminded that we might come from different places, we may speak differently and we each have different cultures, however the Gospel of Jesus Christ is there for everyone to be blessed by it! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love is universal! 

As one of my favourite songs says: "We are children holding hands around the world, like an army with the gospel flag unfurled. We are led by His light and we love truth and right. We are building the Kingdom of God!" I am seeing that happening here now! I'm so excited and grateful for the opportunity that Heavenly Father has given me to be part of this at this time!

Until next week!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Extra pictures:

In front of Grandpa's house in Edmonton...
...Sadly, he was flying home from Victoria as these pictures were taken so missed our visit.

Found some matching dresses while shopping
District Council which turned into Zone Council ... ha ha