Tuesday 27 February 2018

Feeling the Holy Ghost


This week was great! We had in person District Meeting, Zone conference
and started our exchange! I also gave two talks in the last 48 hours.

My talk Sunday was the way we can share the Gospel more easily with the use of technology. 

A few questions that I encouraged others to ponder are:

Do you share that latest Mormon message?

Do you call someone and sing a hymn to them?

Do you share a picture quote on your Facebook profile page?

Do you share that scripture you read this morning with others?

Do you find something that you have in common with others?

Do you create activity events over Facebook?

Do you involve the Spirit and act right away?

Do you bear simple, yet powerful testimony to others?

Do you send heartfelt “thinking of you” texts to others?

Do you tailor the message to a specific person’s needs?

Do you pray for opportunities to be given you each day, then act on them when they come?

Do you ask “Who needs me today?” ?

Then Zone Conference yesterday!!! It. Was. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We received awesome training, had awesome food,
Tried BISON for the first time... it was all right
and everyone said I gave an awesome talk. You have to understand that we are given two topics to write two talks on. Then at Zone Conference, President Pattison chooses a Sister and an Elder to give those talks. Since I was called on first and had had a nosebleed that morning,
Conducting music with my nosebleed
President Pattison let me choose the topic. I gave my talk about the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion.  

Although everyone has a different conversion story, whether you grew up in the church or not, the Holy Ghost is one of the keys in anyone’s progress, enduring to the end and obtaining eternal life in the next life. We must first be open to hearing His whispers, feeling His promptings and receiving the given revelation. Then we must act. Whether this means baptism, stopping a bad habit or picking up a new good one, as we act in faith we will again feel His influence in our lives. Our roots will grow stronger and become firmer in the soil of Christ, Who is our foundation.

I love my mission and all the experiences that have made me grow, learn, stretch, and reach higher than ever before. 

Lots of love from Grand Prairie!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Family Day


I hope everyone had a great Family Day weekend - where applicable!

It was a quite week, ending with the awesome Family Day activity planned, with the help of the Branch members. 

We started by served pancakes at lunch time. One of the members decided to bring sausages... You all have to understand that there was a debate about serving sausages in our Branch Council, with the final decision that the invitations said serving pancakes so we didn't have to serve anything else... You would've had to be there to truly understand how funny the situation was...

After pancakes, we had a little talk about why family is so important to us and a little bit about Family History. There were then break-out rooms: games in the gym, crafts in the Primary room, and an awesome balloon pit in a class room for kids!
There was also our Family History workshop, in which we sat in–our Family History consultant does amazing things!!

However a disappointing 13 people that were non-members came to the activity - 6 of the children under age of 10. So apart from 3 of those kids staying the entirety of our activity, Paul, whom we had met at the Chilly Cook off, stayed the entire time and enjoyed the Family History workshop!
We matched 2 days in a row!! 
We matched 2 days in a row!! 

I am so grateful for my family and the opportunity I have to bring others' families closer together as I serve my mission. I know that God's Plan of Happiness blesses everyone, but we make the choice of where we will end up in the end. 
Valentine's Day picture with Audrey

Lots of Love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

PS: I realized that St Patrick's day isn't for another month so scratch that from last week Haha!

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Heart Broken

So this was a heartbreaking week. 

Hector decided that we couldn't help him the way he wanted (giving him rides [which we can't do for safety reasons and he has never asked us for a ride in the two and a half months I have known him], the church giving him money [again some misunderstandings because the church doesn't just give money out to people. We have programs that can help you become more self-reliant, and the food storage if you are in need]...) so he told us he was giving up and going to the church across the street...

Big stab in the heart.

I can only imagine what Christ has felt for us. What Heavenly Father feels when His children give up on Him...

This experience was a tender mercy; to be allowed to understand what our Heavenly Parents, Jesus Christ, and at times those around us feel when we lose our way, when we reject their help.

"32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

"33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

3 Nephi 13:32-33 

If we go to the Lord with a broken heart and contrite spirit, seeking first His kingdom, He will bless us with the temporal things we need.

District Meeting in person
Have a happy Valentine's day and St Patrick's day!!

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

At a Chilly Cook off!
Making Cards

Making some treats for District Meeting

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The Cold Doesn't Bother Us ❄


Not too many exciting things happened this week. It was cold so we spent most of our time inside contacting people via Facebook. Winter doesn't stop us from doing the work! Once again, how grateful I am to have technology in my mission! The Lord is truly hastening the work.

 Go check out this page and see what you can do to share your love of the Savior with others! Plus there is an awesome video! Let me know how you you are sharing the Gospel with others! Nine ways to use technology to share your beliefs

Hector came to church this Sunday! He is continuing to prepare for baptism which will happen in just a couple of weeks! It is awesome to see how much a person can change as they strive to follow Jesus Christ! 

I know that in life we at times suffer great persecutions, and go though many afflictions. However, this is what the Book of Mormon used to say about those who go through this in humility: "Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God." (Helaman 3:35)

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach