Tuesday, 17 April 2018

God Speaks to Prophets & Us!


 Sister Z ×2 - X2
Well, Canada is Canada mes amis! Or Alberta is Alberta, home of the crazy seasons! Yep, we had the most beautiful weekend to date, and then yesterday we get followed by big wet snow flakes... I'm telling Sister Zazymko it's all for her! haha
This week has been a week of studying words of Prophets, both old and modern! I love the scripture in Amos 3: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

How grateful I am to a loving Heavenly Father to send us Prophets, that walk with us back to our Heavenly home above. How grateful I am for my growing love for scriptures! As I study scriptures from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, I understand and see God's hand in my life. I receive personal revelation. 
Teaching the story about the Book of Mormon : A story about LOVE

I'm also very grateful for our Prophet today, President Nelson. The scriptures declare that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am so grateful for this truth. I love to read what they have to to share on behalf of the Lord. I studied the world's of Elder Wilson, "Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide", and President Nelson, "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives".

So grateful that although we have their inspired words they invite us to seek our own revelation for our person lives. I know that we can receive spiritual guidance from the Lord, as we seek for it. The answer may come through reading the scriptures, listening to a General Conference talk, or in one of many other ways! But He will and does direct His children!

Lots of love!

Sister Tatjana Zumbach

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