I wanted to start off with this thought that President Pattison sent as part of his message at the beginning of the month. "President Kimball said many years ago, 'it is usually through another person that [God] meets our needs.' God sent an angel to His son Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen Him... Today He is calling you to strengthen others of His children that He loves and wants to save, so they can fulfil their purpose. It will be through you that lives are changed. I promise you that as you reach out and touch another, you will feel God’s hand touch you."
We have been doing lots of tracting in the evening recently. Due to our evenings spent walking door to door it is apparent that the sun has started to set earlier and it becomes dark out, the sky being navy blue as early as a half hour before we go in for the night. This change sometimes brings a winding down feeling which could slow down the work. Thankfully, Sister Young loves tracting and her enthusiasm for it rubs off on me. It has been several nights in a row now where we have been out knocking on doors, and people might not be interested yet are polite about it. However, every night there has been someone that we talk with longer then the others.
One night we talked to a man who has had many things happen in his life and thought God was having a good laughs. We shared with him that bad things happen to good people and that Heavenly Father allowed things to happen to us to be able to learn and grow.
The following night, at the last house we knocked on, we met a man who let us in. We talked to him about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which he was really interested in the pamphlet and the Articles of Faith. As he has questions about things he is currently reading in Revelation, he has asked if we could answer them, as he is seeking to understand the scriptures. We will be meeting later this week.
Last night, again the last lady we talked to had heard of and had a copy of the Book of Mormon but had never heard that Jesus Christ had visited the people living in the Americas. Sister Young shared a scripture from her studies, which brought the Spirit in great abundance and we all felt it.
Lastly, last night, first lady we talked with we showed her and her daughter the Book of Mormon Map. They were really interested in it, and asked if she could read it on line! We also gave them the map and she suggested to her daughter could show it to her father! How awesome! A couple doors after, a lady said to come back Wednesday, because it was her day off, another guy asked us to come back tomorrow as he was putting his kids to bed. Several houses later, and the last one we ended up knocking on last night, a young father opened it and let us in from the cold, darkening night. He is seeking to find more knowledge. He was really interested when we talked about having prophets in biblical times and now today. He invited us to come again to talk more.
So we have seen all these different scenarios of evening tracting that have been rewarding in the end, even if we might not see some of those people we talked to again. We know that we were in the right places, speaking to Heavenly Father's children and bring them His love and peace. I know Heavenly Father loves all of us and often sends His help through others.
Love you all!
Sister Tatjana Zumbach
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